Robert Eggers, who directed “Nosferatu,” a distinctly wretched take on vampire folklore.Credit...Mark Sommerfeld for ...
In researching his upcoming version of Nosferatu, Robert Eggers included Mel Brooks' Dracula: Dead and Loving It in the mix.
Filmmaker Robert Eggers sits down with "CBS Saturday Morning" to discuss his adaption of the supernatural horror flick ...
Nosferatu's ending is one that's likely to be discussed for a long time and, as well as a breakdown of how it plays out, we ...
Lily-Rose Depp and Bill Skarsgård are outstanding in "Nosferatu," Robert Eggers' remake of the 1922 silent-movie classic.
So, naturally, when Hoult wrapped filming, Eggers gifted him the prop so that the actor would always be able to gaze upon it ...