This year’s annual UN climate conference COP30 with 50,000 expected attendees held in Belém, Brazil is one-upping the past ...
Some of the world’s main biomes include rainforest, desert, savannah, grassland, woodland and tundra. Each biome has characteristics that make it unique, for example Alaska is a type of tundra.
Researchers in Brazil assessed 4,950 tree species in the country's Atlantic Rainforest biome. Of the 2,000 tree species endemic (found nowhere else in the world) to the area, 82% are threatened ...
We have so many dreams of being able to do so many different things — of not just fighting to exist. - Vanda Witoto ...
Rainforests represent a major world biome, the researchers explain ... and the oldest evidence of rainforest habitation anywhere came from southeast Asia at about 70 thousand years ago," said ...
Rainforests are a major world biome which humans are not thought to ... site containing stone tools in an area of present-day rainforest. But the age of the tools—and the ecology of the site ...
From the air we breathe to the wood we use, forests are essential to our lives. They’re home to more than half of the world’s land-based species, and globally, over 1 billion people live in and around ...
Mercedes Bustamante, a biologist who specializes on the Cerrado at the University of Brasília, emphasized that the Cerrado biome borders the Amazon Rainforest, the Pantanal wetlands and the ...