Destruction of the world’s largest tropical rainforest drops significantly ... Note: The number released for January 2020 includes deforestation total through the 30th of that month.
Brazil’s INPE space research agency data showed deforestation soaring 29.5% to 9,762 square kilometers for the 12 months through July 2019 Deforestation in Brazil’s Amazon rainforest rose to ...
Brazil's environment minister Edson Duarte said in a statement that illegal logging was the main factor behind the increase in deforestation ... of Brazil's Amazon rainforest reached its highest ...
A vast portion of the Amazon rainforest has been cleared to build a road for the COP30 climate summit. The local community is ...
Brazilian law allows some legal deforestation on private land designated for economic use, such as cattle ranching and soy production. In the Amazon Rainforest, landowners can clear up to 20% of their ...
President Lula had promised to restore the Amazon rainforest when he was trying to get elected as Brazil's leader. His government said this was the first step in achieving its zero deforestation ...
At COP16 in Cali, WWF, in collaboration with the Chalmers University of Technology, Trase, and the Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI), launched an eye-opening report, “Uncovering Sub-Regional ...
Ahead of the COP30 climate summit in Belém, Brazil, developers are carving a four-lane highway through protected tracts of ...
Deforestation and tree loss are driven by a growing demand for food and fuel, and exacerbated by climate change, fires and disease outbreak. The world’s largest rainforest, the Amazon ...
(Source: Up to 47% of Amazon Rainforest at Risk of Collapse by Mid-Century Due to ‘Unprecedented Stress’ From Global Warming and Deforestation,, Feb. 15, 2024) Moreover, a 2021 ...
Corporations have failed to stop deforestation. Can that change in time to save the Amazon rainforest? The situation is dire now, but there are also signs that businesses are beginning to find ...