In other words, the more risk you take on, the higher returns you hope to earn. The capital asset pricing model (CAPM) helps investors understand the returns they can expect given the level of ...
Many investors use the capital asset pricing model (CAPM) as a way to estimate the potential return of a stock or other asset within the context of its intrinsic risk. Used primarily to analyze ...
Researchers develop Symbolic Modeling—an AI-powered technique creating unified mathematical models for financial asset ...
Merton, Robert C. "A Dynamic General Equilibrium Model of the Asset Market and Its Application to the Pricing of the Capital Structure of the Firm." Sloan School of Management Working Paper, No.
In this TechRepublic exclusive, Gartner analyst Katie Gove discusses how tech services leaders should prioritize assets and ...
The cost of equity funding is generally determined using the capital asset pricing model (CAPM). This formula utilizes the total average market return and the beta value of the stock in question ...
The world's largest active asset manager is jumping in as the rise of active exchange-traded funds drives a broader ...
Merton, Robert C. "A Reexamination of the Capital Asset Pricing Model." In Studies in Risk and Return, edited by J. Bicksler and I. Friend. Cambridge, MA: Ballinger Publishing Company, 1977.