But real lightning would have struck infrequently—and mostly in open ocean, where organic compounds would have quickly ...
For professor of chemistry and physics Richard Zare, the goal for CHEM 29N: Chemistry in the Kitchen is not to make students ...
We may be starting to get a grasp on what kick-started life on Earth – and it could help us search for it on other planets ...
For the first time, Northwestern University scientists have watched water molecules in real-time as they prepared to give up ...
“THE Chemistry of Large Molecules” is the first volume of a new series entitled “Frontiers in Chemistry” and is composed of eight sections written by experts in the field of macromolecule ...
From growth hormones to cancer drugs, small molecules play a crucial role in our health. Monitoring them is essential to ...
David Dearden, a professor in the BYU Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, is doing foundational work in the field of analytical chemistry.
The transplutonium actinides are highly radioactive and rare, making them difficult to study. To examine their chemical ...
we provide experimental evidence that may help bridge the gap between prebiotic chemistry and the emergence of biological molecules.” Beyond its relevance to origins-of-life research ...
It is an interdisciplinary field that combines chemistry, biology, and pharmacology. Practitioners work to design and synthesize compounds that can treat diseases, manage symptoms, and improve a ...
A study shows that electrical charges in sprays of water can cause chemical reactions that form organic molecules from inorganic materials. The findings provide evidence that microlightning may have ...