Colorado's popular black plates are bringing in big bucks for people with disabilities. But that money could get swept up in ...
Hours before the Texas Legislature reached its Friday, March 14 deadline to file any bills for the 89th legislative session, ...
Tuesday was Developmental Disabilities Awareness Day at the Florida Legislature. People with disabilities and their allies ...
A Republican proposal for $880 billion in spending cuts drew hundreds of disabled New Jerseyans and their advocates to the NJ ...
The Harbor House Beacon Ball gala took place at the Marriott Downtown, raising funds for individuals with disabilities.
The Fourth Alachua County Emergency Preparedness Expo was held on Thursday at the Senior Recreation Center with a focus on ...
Personal care aides earn as little as $10.60 per hour if they are paid through Medicaid waivers or a state-funded program.
Kate Mohler teaches English at Mesa Community College. In addition to her teaching work, Mohler, until recently, served as ...
Morgan’s, a nonprofit that creates accessibility opportunities for children and adults with special needs and their families, operates an inclusive theme park, salon, sports park, and Multi-Assistance ...
The coalition is inviting all artists who experience disability or who love those who do to submit artwork for the event.
If you know someone with a disability, offer to help them find a vaccination site or explore in-home options. Many face ...