Pollinators are animals that help to transport pollen from one location to another in the plant reproduction process.
Flower shape and size impact urban bee survival. Discover how planting diverse blooms can support wild bee populations.
MUSCAT: Amid growing environmental challenges, preserving biodiversity and protecting plant species from extinction has ...
Without plants on land, humans could not live on Earth. From mosses to ferns to grasses to trees, plants are our food, fodder and timber. All this diversity emerged from an algal ancestor that ...
For a plant, life in Argentina’s Monte Desert is hard enough. Daily temperatures can fluctuate dramatically; it rarely rains, ...
Recovered grasslands need more than 75 years of continuous management to regain their biodiversity because specialized pollinators are slow to return. A new finding underscores the importance of ...
Satellite images from space are allowing scientists to delve deeper into the individual functions of different tropical ...
A recent study reveals how the expansion and functional divergence of terpene synthase genes (TPSs) in flowering plants ...