Tom Trotter, 29, was used to people thinking it was strange he worked long hours growing his business. So when loved ones ...
Following a healthy diet — one primarily plant-based, with minimal ultra-processed food and low to moderate amounts of animal ...
Here's how you can transform your weight loss journey! Let's embrace some healthy habits over diets for lasting results.
Recent research has homed in on diet and exercise as key factors when it comes to slowing down biological aging and boosting ...
A new study shows a healthy diet rich in plant-based foods is linked to a higher likelihood of reaching age 70 free of ...
When you think of eating on the road, fast food probably comes to mind first. But just because you're traveling doesn't mean ...
Researchers have found that women who exhibit disturbed eating behaviors and engage in low physical activity tend to have more central body fat and a higher risk of metabolic low-grade inflammation.
Older adults who limit their sedentary time have lower metabolic syndrome risk, regardless of how active they are or how ...
Higher and more intense levels of physical activity may not benefit life span as much as previously thought, a new study in ...
Maintaining a healthy diet rich in plant-based foods, with low to moderate intake of healthy animal-based foods and lower intake of ultra-processed foods, was linked to a higher likelihood of healthy ...
Researchers at the University of Jyväskylä, Finland, have found that women who exhibit disturbed eating behaviours and engage in low physical activity tend to have more central body fat and a higher ...