Emergency phones, also known as “blue light phones”, can be found across campus in buildings, parking lots, garages, and other strategic locations. In the event of an emergency, activation of these ...
Blue Light Emergency Phones, Evacuation Rally Points, and Purple Air Monitors throughout the Sacramento State campus. Each building description contains a link to their Building Emergency Action Plan ...
Evacuate the building if the fire alarm sounds or upon notification ... suspected crime or incident requiring police attention. Emergency phones are available throughout campus. The UTSA Police ...
The building liaisons are responsible for maintaining a roster ... If you are trapped in an elevator, campus elevators have emergency phones that connect directly to Campus Safety. Facilities and fire ...
It may be easier to make a long-distance phone call than to ... plans including alternate exits Building or organization plans for sheltering occupants in an emergency Key supplies you/household ...
The University Police Department will answer the phone. Each emergency phone is attached to a light pole or building. A blue light, easily seen at night, hangs over each box. Blue light phone maps are ...
The red phones outside of the elevators and the phones inside ... Do not store anything in aisle-ways or hallways as to prevent egress from the building in the event of an emergency. No food or drink ...