As evergreens grow in size, their center becomes devoid of needles due to shade. This limits how far back a conifer can be pruned and eventually it grows into sidewalks or driveways if not sited ...
As the festive season approaches, evergreen conifers like spruce and pine adorn homes worldwide. But while Christmas trees bring warmth and joy into our lives, they endure some of the harshest ...
While their lush, dense foliage is to be admired, the wrong evergreen in the wrong place can prove to be a challenge requiring regular maintenance. For example, a mighty conifer is better suited ...
Laura Dean Bennett Staff Writer These days, when we think of pinecones we think about crafts or home décor, but they can be used for so much more. Evergreen trees provide food, shelter and nesting ...
Tivon Feeley, the Iowa DNR’s forest health program leader, anticipates moderate to severe winter burn damage statewide to conifers, like white pines. Feeley says the January thaws forced some ...