Under the dutiful care of Finn, they flourished into the young adults that they are in the latter half of Fire Emblem: ...
Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War has an epic story spanning generations. Majora's Mask offers exceptional worldbuilding and a unique narrative. Path of Radiance executes its plot ...
Fire Emblem is a widely popular series ... called "Missiletainn," a reference to Mystletainn in Genealogy of the Holy War. After the war, he goes on a journey to "stay his sword hand." ...
A big part of Fire Emblem Engage's focus on tactical ... Another Emblem with generally solid benefits is Sigurd's Emblem of the Holy War which gives +1 to Might, -1 to the weapon's Weight, and ...
Deity Device is a heavily story driven romhack of Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones created ... are strongly inspired by Genealogy of the Holy War; with a focus on large maps and political schemes.