President Trump issued two new executive orders on March 1 to expand logging in national forests. They could affect Tongass ...
Douglas McIntyre and David Callaway, Editors-in-Chief at Climate Crisis 24/7, discussed the Trump administration’s decision ...
The executive orders are the latest in a decades-long tug-of-war between conservation and development in Tongass National ...
The order allows federal agencies to bypass environmental protection laws in an effort to increase production but doesn't ...
If Trump and Musk really want to cut the Forest Service’s budget they need to go where the money is actually being wasted.
The groups say the Forest Service didn't include enough details about where exactly the logging project will take place to ...
The order rolls back the degree to which the agencies have to comply with the Endangered Species Act or consider negative ...
President Donald Trump called on agencies to expand domestic timber supply. That could influence prospective forest polices ...
A forest in Sweden was severely burned by an intense wildfire more than four years ago. It still hasn't recovered, thanks in ...