It's been called the most important scientific book ever. A stunning claim, but certainly Charles Lyell's Principles of Geology, published in 1830, shook prevailing views of how Earth had been formed.
This is the principle of cross-cutting relationships. The principle states that any geologic features that cut across strata must have formed after the rocks they cut through (Figures 2 and 3).
Geological Engineering is a multidisciplinary field that melds principles from geology and engineering to design and build infrastructure, ensuring that human developments are in harmony with the ...
This course will introduce basic geological principles with an emphasis on engineering applications. Topics covered include minerals and rocks and their properties, surface processes, earthquakes and ...
Geological Engineering Electives Nine credits of Geological ... introduction to GIS data sources, principles and methods in spatial analysis, spatial interpolation, mapping of spatial and applications ...
An introduction to the history of the Earth and its life over the last 4.6 billion years. Applications include geologic principles, earth material, depositional environments, stratigraphy, the ...
These findings could challenge long-standing geological principles and hint at active processes still occurring deep within Mars. Mars has always been a focal point for planetary exploration ...
The Association of Engineering Geologists (AEG) defines engineering geology as "[The] application of geologic data, techniques, and principles to the study of naturally occurring rock and soil ...