Tuesday’s event was a collaboration between the teachers, students and their parents at Los Gatos High School, giving ...
A look at the top 25 high school baseball teams in the Southland after Week 5. 1. CORONA (7-0); Pitchers have combined for ...
Yondr makes a locking pouch that for years has been used at entertainment events to sequester cellphones and now is being ...
Millions of years ago, Los Angeles was underwater, a vast prehistoric sea teeming with creatures that largely don't exist ...
Three High Desert-based campuses were among 336 elementary schools that achieved California Distinguished Schools Award ...
The Duchess of Sussex, 43, was a fresh-faced pupil at the all-girls Roman Catholic Immaculate Heart High School in Los ...
Owners of a Los Angeles scrap metal recycling facility which was the site of an explosion near a school in Watts last year ...
When historic wildfires burned across Los Angeles earlier this year, L.A. high school teacher and young adult author Veronica ...
Older Encino defendant is released on “urgent medical grounds,” but two men continue to face multiple charges related to ...
When he got to Beverly Hills, passing the 15-mile mark, Matt Richtman started separating from the pack in Sunday’s Los ...