OK, in truth everybody finds the plank exercise tough—nothing makes time stand still like when you're shaking like a leaf trying to hold your form. Want your next set of planks to be over quicker?
Think your core is strong? Research shows that holding a side plank for this long puts you in the top 10% of strength. Find ...
With the plank, the longer you can hold the position, the more benefit you gain. While it takes time to perfect, it can be done. Depending on your fitness level, here's how long you should hold a ...
Forget crunches and sit-ups. One of the best ways to blast your core is the oh-so-simple plank. When performing a plank with good form, you’re working your midsection, shoulders, chest ...
Keep your glutes and thigh muscles tight as you hold. Come into a high plank with your hands under your shoulders, elbows tucked in, abs engaged and bum down. Stabilising through the core ...
That’s probably why the five-minute plank challenge went viral during lockdown, with videos of friends attempting to hold the press-up position undoubtedly taking over your Instagram feed at one ...
Want to strengthen your torso, but can’t hold a plank or do a single crunch? No problem! This standing session puts ab workouts back on the map. Not only is it suitable for everyone (even ...
iscover how long you should hold a side plank based on your fitness level and learn exercises to improve core strength and stability.