The popular Christmas movie stars a young Macaulay Culkin as an 8-year-old trying to protect his home from burglars.
How to watch "Home Alone" starring Macaulay Culkin for free and on streaming, plus the latest on rumors about a new "Home ...
There are six Home Alone movies in the Home Alone franchise. It is an American family comedy film series that was first produced by John Hughes.
It would've been stupid not to follow-up on its success, and when talks of Home Alone 2 rolled around, Stern knew his worth.
If you pay any attention to HGTV’s annual Dream Home giveaway, you probably know that this year’s winner of the Anastasia ...
CHICAGO – As you (re)watch classic Christmas movies this holiday season, there’s a good chance 1990’s “Home Alone” will find its way on your TV screen. A movie filled with laugh out loud ...
Are you looking to binge your favorite holiday movies before Christmas? There's "Die Hard," "The Grinch" and of course "A Charlie Brown Christmas," but you can't forget "Home Alone." "Home Alone ...