Take a look at the chart below. The red line is 2024 and the blue line is the average over the last decade. This record ocean ...
Local residents are urged to get prepared ahead of hurricane season by making an action plan with family, gathering essential supplies and making sure their homes are prepared for a potential storm.
Hurricane awareness and preparedness is essential for anyone living in Florida or Coastal Georgia. Whether you plan to batten down and stay or need to get out of the way of an approaching storm ...
Be prepared for a hurricane and keep an eye on weather updates. Make sure you have a hurricane plan and supplies. Complete your preparations. Below are helpful, real-time weather radars along ...
Be prepared and keep an eye on weather updates. Make sure you have a hurricane plan and supplies. Complete your preparations. Shown is the National Weather Service-Melbourne radar, which shows ...
This doesn't mean you can't plan a tropical vacation or cruise during that time, though. Read on to discover where to safely travel during hurricane season. In 2017, hurricanes Maria and Irma ...