Gorgeous and glacial in equally frosty measure, Lucile Hadžihalilović's "The Ice Tower" is all art-film-only vibes, a wintry 1970s fairy tale about a screen actress who casts a potentially ...
What is it with Lucile Hadzihalilovic and ice? In her last film, Earwig, her central character was a browbeaten little girl without teeth who had to submit to wearing ice dentures, suspended from ...
A film set is no place for little girls. In the fairy-tale-adjacent world of Lucile Hadžihalilović’s frigid dark fantasy “The Ice Tower,” an orphan runs away from her foster home and takes ...
EXCLUSIVE: Yellow Veil Pictures has acquired all North American rights for Lucile Hadžihalilović’s dark fairy tale The Ice Tower, following its buzzy world premiere in competition at the ...
But seeing as how “The Ice Tower” is set in the ’70s (when certain filmmakers were famously trying to seduce minors), it might actually have made more sense for all of this to happen around ...
She’s whisked off to an orphanage high away in the mountains — and where, exactly, “The Ice Tower” is set never really matters, as even though it’s set in the ’70s, the setting feels ...