Owners Insurance are the best car insurance companies in Georgia based on coverage, cost and customer ratings.
A Georgia state Senator is asking for the state’s Insurance Commissioner to investigate whether major insurance companies are ...
Parkes penned a letter to Insurance Commissioner John King, asking him to launch an investigation into insurance companies' ...
You may also have to get SR-22 insurance after a DUI in Georgia. Most companies charge between $15 and $50 to file an SR-22 form for you, in addition to any increase in your car insurance rates.
Georgia House passes Senate Bill 68, a tort reform bill, by one vote. The bill now heads back to the Senate for further ...
A controversial tort reform bill may reduce lawsuits and jury awards, but there's discussion on whether it would reduce rising insurance premiums.
The commissioner also noted that no Georgia-domiciled insurer can distribute extraordinary dividends to shareholders without ...
The best car insurance company in Georgia is Central Insurance, which we’ve chosen as the best for its affordable rates and large number of discounts. Georgia drivers are required to carry $ ...