However, if you look closer at your table salt container, you'll notice it probably says something like "iodized salt." While most folks might not think twice about this since it's just one of ...
America’s great salt swap began in the 1980s, when farmers’-market culture and the health-food movement helped American chefs ...
Researchers worry that iodine deficiency is making a comeback as people ditch table salt for kosher, pink Himalayan and other salts You can save this article by registering for free here.
Whether it's kosher, Himalayan pink or sea salt, Canadians have a wide range of choices when it comes to salts. But what many of these don't have — or don't have much of — is iodine.
They’re in the air that we breathe, the water that we drink, and the food that we eat. Small, super tiny pieces of plastic ...
Iodine is a crucial element in various industries, but it is one of the least abundant nonmetallic elements on Earth.
There's no such thing as a magic hypothyroid diet. But certain foods, combined with the right medical treatment, can help keep your thyroid running like it should.
And researchers say it's time for Canadians to pay attention to how much iodine they're getting. Table salt is one major source of iodine in Canada. In 1949, the government made it a mandatory ...