March 15 is associated with misfortune and doom. On this day, Roman dictator Julius Caesar was murdered at the hands of ...
Why is March 15 so ominous? And where does the phrase "Beware the Ides of March" come from? Here's everything to know.
The assassination of Julius Caesar was reenacted in Rome at the exact same place where it had taken place 2,000 years ago.
BCE, ancient Rome witnessed one of the most infamous betrayals in history, the assassination of Julius Caesar. Known as the ...
You might remember the phrase "beware the Ides of March" from your high school English class. Here's what it means and when ...
Given the chance to interrogate one of history’s most famous figures, what would you ask? Speaking on the HistoryExtra ...
On March 15, 44 B.C., on the “ides of March,” Roman dictator Julius Caesar was assassinated by Roman senators, including ...
In 44 B.C., Julius Caesar was assassinated by Brutus and others in Rome. A gold coin commemorating his assassination minted ...
It's that time of year! No, we're not talking about St. Patrick's Day, March Madness or Lent. We're talking about the Ides of March, the day that falls midway through March that's come to boast ...