Growing weed inside uses about 1 percent of U.S. electricity and pollutes more than cryptocurrency mining. There’s a better ...
Some growers push the limits and cultivate massive plants that tower over the average home grow. While most indoor and ...
More than a hundred marijuana plants were seized from a home in Meade County last week. The Meade County Sheriff's Office ...
Although recreational marijuana use remains illegal in the Sunshine State, a legal loophole has led to companies selling ...
The N.C. House and Senate medical legislation bills would legalize the possession of up to two ounces of cannabis flower, 15 ...
According to Meade County Sheriff's Office, detectives received a tip about a marijuana cultivating and growing operation in ...
More than 1,600 marijuana plants were found in a Maine home, authorities said. The Oxford County Sheriff's Office said around ...
There are five types of plants prohibited in Indonesia, including marijuana, which falls under the category of narcotics.