Monetarism is the theory that the proper control of a country's monetary supply is the primary determinant of that country's economic health and stability. Monetarism is based on the quantity ...
1993. “Size and Performance of Banking Firms: Testing the Predictions of Theory,” Journal of Monetary Economics 31: 47–67. Čihák, Martin. 2007. “Systemic Loss: A Measure of Financial Stability” Czech ...
The Federal Reserve Act, as mandated by Congress, established a dual mandate to guide the Federal Reserve (Fed) in setting monetary ... between the Fed’s definition of stability and the ...
“I have spoken previously about how monetary policy and financial stability are inextricably linked and how the tools we use to conduct monetary policy and support financial stability work together.
In a speech before Calgary Economic Development in Alberta on Thursday, Governor Tiff Macklem said at the most fundamental level, the central bank is "anchored" by its monetary policy framework, its 2 ...
Monetary policy and is "inextricably" tied to financial stability, Federal Reserve Vice Chair for Supervision Michael Barr said on Tuesday. “Regulation of financial markets, regulation and ...