"Some fungal diseases can attack a weakened plant, creating small ... is more likely to result in brown spots. They appear as cottony white colonies on the leaves and stems of the plant and ...
These are the most common causes of brown spots on fiddle leaf fig foliage, plus simple tips for restoring your plant’s health. Fiddle leaf figs are among the most popular houseplants and are ...
To help you work out why your plant is struggling ... while in other cases, leaves may develop brown spots with a yellow ‘halo’ – a type of disease that can be caused by overwatering.
A new disease is plaguing cornfields across the Midwest. Phyllachora maydis is the fungus that causes a corn disease called ...
Bacterium malvacearum, the causative agent of ‘black-arm’, or angular leaf-spot disease of the cotton plant, has been described in certain recent papers as capable of producing a systemic ...
A Pennsylvania state forestry expert says native pests are causing troublesome impacts to several valuable tree species.