The city didn’t actually spread more salt than usual. But it may have seemed that way, according to the Sanitation Department, because there was less snow and rain.
American Rock Salt said the shortage is due to the long stretch of cold weather. Ellen Pouthier at Apalachee Salt told 13WHAM Apalachee was not awarded any counties by New York State's Office of ...
A statewide shortage of rock salt is impacting roads and businesses across Onondaga County, prompting local officials to reassure residents as severe winter weather approaches. Rich Blasland ...
The town's highway superintendent, Jim Christ, expressed frustration over the dwindling supply and delivery delays from American Rock Salt. "There is probably 100 tons there, not even. That’s ...
TROY, N.Y. (NEWS10) -So far this winter, it’s not the amount of snow but the frequency of storms that’s created problems with rock salt in Troy. Whether it’s one inch or a foot, the plows ...