Consuming too little salt in your daily diet could be as dangerous as eating too much. According to Harvard-educated Dr.
Is salt as bad for blood pressure as we’ve been told. Discover the latest research on sodium intake and what really impacts heart health.
Our cultural obsession with hydration (Americans drink more water than almost all other countries) has entered a new phase: ...
Health Benefits Of Rock Salt In Diet: Rock salt is primarily composed of sodium chloride, similar to table salt, but it also contains trace amounts of minerals like calcium, magnesium, and potassium.
The pollution from road salt has only become a major problem in recent years. Looking at the chart below, the United States ...
America’s great salt swap began in the 1980s, when farmers’-market culture and the health-food movement helped American chefs ...
There is a remedy that is said could help cancer patients who are undergoing chemo treatments. Dr. Rajiv Saini, Chief Scientific Officer, and Eddie Kolos, Inventor and CEO at ...
This is Salt Awareness Week. We love it but eat way too much of it. Salt is a big risk factor for high blood pressure, ...
While both kosher salt and sea salt enhance flavor, their differences come down to origin, texture and use. Kosher salt is ...
People may take salt tablets to help replenish low levels of sodium in the body. They are available over the counter in health stores and online. This article looks at when people use salt tablets ...