University of California fire expert Yana Valachovic knows how to prevent wildfire damage — and she wants more people to do ...
But the maps have limits. They do not yet incorporate data for what happens once a wildfire becomes a true urban conflagration spreading from home to home, according to Sapsis. “They’re modeling a ...
What is happening in LA and has happened in every major conflagration in the U.S. in the last 200 years is really a wildland fire that transitions into an urban conflagration. When a wildland fire ...
Orange County Fire Authority firefighters are participating in research that is being conducted to study the health effects ...
The recent fires in Los Angeles burned 40,000 acres, claimed at least 29 lives and destroyed 12,000 homes. Once the flames ...
But the maps have limits. They do not yet incorporate data for what happens once a wildfire becomes a true urban conflagration spreading from home to home, according to Sapsis. "They're modeling a ...
The recent fires in Los Angeles burned 40,000 acres, claimed at least 29 lives and destroyed 12,000 homes. Once the flames reached neighborhoods, the wildfire transformed into an urban ...
the chances of an urban conflagration, in which flames spread from structure to structure," noted the report. The California Legislature in 2020 passed a bill requiring property owners in fire ...