The Swedish King Carl XVI Gustaf has appointed former WSL Director James Kirchner as the 30th holder of the King Carl XVI ...
Unconditional admission is granted to applicants with the following Swiss credentials. Federal or federally accredited Swiss or Liechtensteinian matriculation certificate (gymnasialer ...
The team of the Registar's Office assist students with administrative matters and provide them with advice during the course of their studies. Our office also serves as an information and placement ...
During the semester break, additional seminar rooms of Rectorate are temporary available on short notice and can be used as working place.
City of Zurich - Newcomers living in the city of Zurich find information about the Welcome Desk external page here. Zurich is a city where the quality of life is among the best in the world. As ...
02.12.2024 19:00 20.01.2025 23:59 NAS22-Spectrum Scale CES Änderungen am 02.12.2024 von 19 Uhr bis 23:30 Uhr am Standort Hönggerberg Details NAS22-Spectrum Scale CES Änderungen am 02.12.2024 von 19 ...
Der schwedische König Carl XVI Gustaf hat den ehemaligen WSL-Direktor James Kirchner zum dreissigsten Inhaber der ...
Using microparticles consisting of extremely thin petals, medicines can be delivered via the bloodstream in a precisely targeted manner, for example to a tumour or blood clot. Ultrasound and other ...
The Innovation Project is a project-based engineering design course. Bachelor’s degree students studying mechanical engineering go through a production development process in their third semester.
To make gene editing with the CRISPR-Cas9 system more efficient, researchers have recently started using the molecule AZD 7648. ETH Zurich researchers have now discovered that while this molecule ...
Brienz has just been evacuated for the second time. The decision is based, among other things, on thousands of simulations that ETH professor Jordan Aaron has produced using a computer model he ...
Professor Niao He (*1990), currently Tenure Track Assistant Professor at ETH Zurich, as Associate Professor of Computer Science in the Department of Computer Science. Niao He is a highly regarded ...