Amitava Biswas is a management consultant and teaches the business courses here at Middlebury. He received his B.A. from Johns Hopkins University and has an M.D. from Stanford University. He is ...
This photo-based studio course examines the ways images work together in succession to build narratives. Students will study contemporary and historical approaches to the photo essay in addition to ...
Richard Saunders has been at Middlebury since 1985. His areas of expertise are art of the United States and the history of the art museum. He received degrees from Bowdoin College (B.A.), the ...
From 2007-2012, Dr. Moore was a senior analyst in the Office of Nuclear Security at the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). He worked with the Incident and Trafficking Database and served as ...
Beryl Levinger began her international development career as a Peace Corps Volunteer in rural Colombia. Since that time, she has worked on six continents and in more than 50 countries. Prior to coming ...
We offer in-person, 30-credit, two-semester programs for students who meet our advanced entry requirements. You may be eligible to complete the degree in only two semesters through advanced entry, if ...
Laura Burian, Professor of Chinese/English translation and interpretation and C.V. Starr Professor in Linguistics and Language, earned her MA in Chinese Translation and Interpretation program at the ...
As a high-school exchange student in France, Julie Johnson experienced the distress of getting off the plane and hardly understanding a word. By the end of that year, she had earned her baccalauréat ...
Jason Blazakis is a professor at the Middlebury Institute of International Studies (MIIS) where he focuses on threat financing, sanctions, violent extremism, and special operations related research.
Environmental solutions cannot come from one type of knowledge or way of thinking, not just from politics or chemistry or economics or history. They come instead from leaders, thinkers, and innovators ...
In this course we will examine biographies, both written and filmed, of several American presidents, including those who are well known – Madison, Lincoln, and Theodore Roosevelt – and those who are ...
This is the core course of the International and Global Studies major. It is an introduction to key international issues and problems that will likely feature prominently in their courses at ...