The results of the American election become less mysterious when we recognize that people have multiple identities. If threatened, one identity may become more prominent internally.
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But, after securing his second term in office, Mr Trump will NOT be able to run for president again in 2028. This is down to the U.S. Constitution's 22nd Amendment, which sets limits on presidential terms. The 22nd Amendment, ratified in 1951, states that a president cannot serve more than two terms, consecutive or not.
Trump will become the 47th president of the United States. It will be his second term as president after previously serving from 2017-2021. Trump defeated current Vice President Kamala Harris in the 2024 presidential election. Trump is expected to deliver an inaugural address during the event.
Trump’s favorite immigration chart: Trump displayed a long-debunked chart about migration numbers at the US southern border, calling attention to a red arrow at the bottom — which the chart claims is pointed at a historically low level of illegal immigration at the time Trump left office in 2021.
Progressive wins at the local and state levels complicate the notion of a sweeping rightward political turn in the US.
Russia has been told by the United States that it has granted approval for the appointment of the new Russian ambassador to Washington, a senior Russian lawmaker told state television on Monday.
The message seemed designed to reach Washington as one administration prepares to hand the baton to the next: If the United States keeps messing with Venezuela, then Caracas will retaliate by “liberating” the US territory of Puerto Rico,
The S&P 500 gained 1% on Friday, capping off the last trading day of Biden's presidency and marking the best week since the election.
The quadrennial ritual, clearing the way for Trump's inauguration in two weeks, went like clockwork in sharp contrast to four years ago.
After the company briefly turned off its app for its 170 million US users on Saturday, some flocked to other corners of the internet to react.
“With malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right, as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in, to bind up the nation’s wounds.” -- Abraham Lincoln, March 4, 1865.