The National Ice Core Facility in Lakewood, Colorado, holds 13.67 miles of ice cores preserved at -40 degrees Fahrenheit year ...
Clam shells could help scientists understand the Atlantic Ocean’s sensitive circulation system — and predict when that ...
The last nine years have been the warmest ever recorded in the Arctic Circle, and this year saw a number of new milestones in ...
The war in Ukraine has accelerated an ongoing trend of competition and militarization in the Arctic. By applying lessons ...
Arctic has lost more sea ice this year than at any time since satellite ... to Atlantic Multi-decadal Oscillation - a natural climate cycle repeating every 65-80 years. It's been in warm phase ...
EU researchers are braving extreme Arctic conditions to shed light on snow's crucial role in Earth's climate system.
The Arctic could be ice-free within three years in an 'ominous ... According to Dr Jahn's research, this cycle will inevitably lead to months without sea ice by some time in the 2030s.
Soaring temperatures are translating into more powerful freak storms and wild fires, an ominous trend for humanity ...
As the Arctic loses snow cover and sea ice, more dark-colored ocean water and rock emerge ... This year’s report includes a detailed accounting of how the carbon cycle is changing in the Arctic.
Gathering data in the vast Arctic environment is always a challenge, but Russia’s war in Ukraine has compounded the difficulties, including for scientists assessing the carbon cycle.