The art market inevitably follows the money, and the state’s art scene has been expanding in tandem with its GDP.
Último dia para manifestação dos advogados do general sobre trama golpista é nesta sexta-feira, 7; apresentação de defesa ...
Braga isn’t just about churches and history -it has a seriously cool contemporary art scene, and gnration is at the heart of it. By day at gnration, expect thought-provoking exhibitions that ...
The novel was first adapted into a groundbreaking 1985 film, starring William Hurt, Raul Julia, and Sonia Braga, which would go to be nominated for Best Picture, Best Director, and Best Adapted ...
Waxing indignant at the mere thought of Nélson Oliveira, Renato Sanches, João Félix and the litany of young footballers so heralded, so presumptuously the activating reagent Cristiano never had in the ...
Tributação pode viabilizar políticas públicas voltadas à transição energética, aos combustíveis renováveis, além de outros ...
A agenda cultural desta semana de Carnaval tem uma programação diversa e inclusiva para todas as idades. Os eventos ocorrem nos espaços administrados pelo Governo do Estado, como teatros, museus e a ...