Chinese scientists claim that some AI models can replicate themselves and protect against shutdown. Has artificial ...
Detectives from the Ballarat Divisional Response Unit have reunited a man with his treasured 1956 Chevrolet Sedan, after a public appeal helped track down the stolen vehicle. The vintage car which ...
This is a big no-no with the cloning technology, punishable by death for both beings. The two have to work out a way to co-exist, which means finding a way to share work, rest, food, and… “affections” ...
At present, what scientists have found out about the Antarctic Dragonfish suggest that their reproduction capacities are low and they also only live in the region where they have been found.
Irish scientists in Antarctica are planning the continent's first ever St Patrick's Day parade. Gráinne Keogh, a marine biologist from Belgooly in Co Cork, works on the Rothera research station ...
Starting with access to genetic material from just seven black-footed ferrets, the federal, state and private partnership that brought the species back from near extinction is now using cloning to ...
Using corrugated plastic tubing, a black-footed ferret gets its first view of its new home during a relocation effort by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, which heads up the National Black ...
[woolly mammoth revival] [mammoth cloning] [genetic engineering] [de ... Patterns World’s biggest iceberg runs aground off Antarctica ...
Countries have tried to carve up Antarctica and lay claim, but no one owns it. For 65 years, Antarctica — which is one and a half times the size of Canada — has been governed by a treaty of ...
Four decades ago, scientists sounded the alarm after discovering a growing 'hole' in the ozone above Antarctica. This protective layer of gas shields life on Earth from the sun's harmful ...
It remains unclear whether the iceberg is stuck for good. The world's biggest iceberg appears to have run aground roughly 70 kilometres from a remote Antarctic island, potentially sparing the ...