A WXII 12 News viewer in Ardmore has spotted more coyotes in the backyard and one at Biscuitville in Winston-Salem.
While Niagara County’s coyotes generally steer clear of human contact, the New York State Department of Environmental ...
Coyotes become more active as the weather warms up, and New Yorkers need to take some precautions to keep them away.
Michigan shortened the coyote season in 2024 to avoid orphaning newborn pups, but a year later the issue is again rearing its ...
James and Edith Eubanks live in the Ardmore neighborhood of Winston-Salem, North Carolina. For several years, the Eubanks ...
The sun shone bright, birds zipped around the sky and tiny, vivid purple, yellow and white flowers flared at my feet.
The coyote animal strode into Sterling Parking on East 80th Street off Second Avenue just before 9:20 a.m., cops and a parking attendant confirmed.
Coyotes are found in diverse habitats across the state, including rural farmlands, forests, and suburban and urban areas, DEC ...
Coyotes are monogamists and typically mate for life. Young coyotes typically leave their family groups during the spring to find their own territory. The captured coyote could have been looking ...
The park will feature a new playground, pond, trails and picnic area with views over North Field and a walking trail to Cove ...