Pongo was abandoned by his previous owner after they moved out and has struggled to adjust to the shelter in the 18 months ...
Fast forward to when she was in her 30s and living in New Zealand, she began training her first puppy with the charity ...
Service dogs trained in North Carolina prisons are changing lives, not just for the people who need them, but for the inmates who train them.
A former employee of City Dogs, a D.C. dog boarding facility, has pleaded guilty to felony animal cruelty after he brutally ...
Nearly two decades after the Michael Vick case launched organized dog fighting into the spotlight, it still remains a ...
Each year across Ohio, dangerous dogs attack, maim and sometimes kill people. State law does little to hold owners ...
The dogs' owner Claire, from Chicago, Illinois, told Newsweek: "We did not go back to day care. Bill did not enjoy it." ...
Daniel Weaver and Kirsten Whitney launched "an unprovoked attack" on the victim in the street and left him hospitalised ...
A dog was discovered with open sores infested with maggots, covered in feces and untreated matting, leading to the arrest of ...
A Keswick man caught on camera beating his dog with a switch has pleaded guilty to animal cruelty and forbidden from owning a ...
North East Conservative MSP Maurice Golden chose Edinburgh Dog and Cat Home for the official launch of his Dog Theft ...