Dow said on Thursday it will lay off 1,500 employees as part of its $1 billion cost savings plan due to lackluster demand and margin pressures, causing its shares to drop 6.3% in morning trade.
More than 40 employees in Longview are set to lose their jobs following the termination of a key contract. Visit this article to learn more: KETK News covers East Texas, bringing you the latest local ...
Being noticed in Hollywood is a challenge for any creative. But being seen when you’re a disabled creative is exponentially ...
Facebook (Meta) had one of the largest and most anticipated IPOs in history on May 18, 2012, but it failed to meet expectations. A NASDAQ glitch cost investors.
Time for older adults to seek new job prospects could be due to burnout from their current careers, a desire to earn additional income or the need to start working later to meet their financial ...