I often cite classicist Daniel Mendelsohn’s insight that when your father dies, your accounting degree won’t help you process the experience to underscore the humanities’ true value: their unique ...
For the past two years, the Institutional Planning and Assessment Committee (IPAC) has considered feedback from over 50 meeting, surveys, and discussions with campus stakeholders, reviewed feedback ...
There is perhaps no band closer to the president’s ear than the U.S. Marine Band, long known as “The President’s Own.” Founded in 1798 by an Act of Congress, it’s the nation’s oldest ...
In the ongoing quest for social justice, the implementation of quotas has emerged as a critical tool aimed at addressing historical inequalities and promoting diversity in various sectors. While the ...
DEI isn't a one-size-fits-all concept. Diversity, equity, and inclusion must be adapted to local contexts for real impact.
The tropics are celebrated as hotspots of biological diversity and renowned as supply houses for food, fiber and pharmacies.
The Trump administration's horrific war on higher education evokes the McCarthyist purges of the mid-20th century. But ...
Do you have a project that aims to empower the creative sectors? UNESCO is launching the sixteenth call for applications to the International Fund for Cultural Diversity (IFCD). Through this open and ...
The University of California system’s abandonment of a policy that it pioneered is a turning point in higher education.
The statements had risen in popularity as colleges sought to improve campus culture, but they drew criticism from ...
All the countries that have ratified the “2005 Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions” are called “Parties” and together form “the Conference of Parties”.