It was a surprise ceremony at the White House presided over by President Donald Trump to unveil a $100 billion investment ...
Forest carbon sinks, or green carbon, refers to carbon dioxide transferred from the atmosphere and stored in timber, roots or ...
Louisiana Tech University was awarded a $300,000 grant by the United States Department of Agriculture for a research project.
Indonesia plans to launch sales of carbon offsets from its forestry sector soon, while authorities work on recognising ...
Ten Tairāwhiti students became the first graduates of Tūranga Ararau’s nationally recognised Whakatipuranga Ngahere New ...
Environmental groups and timberland owners are calling on Oregon lawmakers to support a yearslong agreement that will be ...
Reversing the Roadless Rule on the Tongass risks dragging us back to the destructive days of clearcut logging, and it’s simply not what most Alaskans want right now.
Ravi Parmar said that B.C. still relies heavily on the lumber industry with revenue from the forest sector to pay for schools, health care and social services.
US President Donald Trump has issued an executive order to expand logging across 110 million ha of national forests and ...
NorthTec is proposing cuts to 11 programmes across the primary industries, forestry and construction, the Tertiary Education ...