Researchers are discovering the electrochemical properties of biomolecular condensates which could help in development of cancer or ALS treatments.
In a megascience-scale collaboration with French researchers from College de France and the University of Montpellier, ...
A groundbreaking study has unveiled the microscopic process behind heavy-ion cancer therapy, paving the way for more ...
From growth hormones to cancer drugs, small molecules play a crucial role in our health. Monitoring them is essential to ...
Scientists from Skoltech, in collaboration with French researchers, have made an exciting discovery that could lead to better ...
A breakthrough in heavy-element chemistry shatters long-held assumptions about transuranium elements. Researchers have ...
From smartphones to wind turbines, rare earth elements (REEs) are an essential part of the hardware in many advanced ...
Nanotechnology enables rapid jaundice detection in newborns using smartphones, offering a quick and non-invasive solution.
The pioneering nuclear chemist Glenn Seaborg discovered berkelium at Berkeley Lab in 1949. It was one of many achievements ...
A team of scientists in the lab of Nobel Prize winner David Baker has created a method for designing proteins that can bind and sense a range of small molecules, with wide applications for biomedicine ...
Discover the nutrients that support methylation, a critical biochemical process affecting everything from detoxification to ...
Hearing begins with the stretching of elastic molecular 'springs' that open ion channels in the sensory hair cells of the ear. For decades, researchers have known that these gating springs must exist, ...