NEW DELHI: FMCG segment leader Dabur approached the Delhi High Court on Tuesday, alleging that Patanjali Ayurved has been running advertisements that disparage its Chyawanprash products.
Dabur India on Tuesday moved Delhi High Court against Patanjali Ayurved over the latter’s Chyawanprash ads. It has said that Patanjali’s advertisement in print and on TV has been released with ...
The lawsuit alleges that an advertisement featuring Patanjali Ayurved founder Baba Ramdev falsely claims that only Patanjali's Chyawanprash is 'original' and thus authentic while other Chyawanprash ...
Dabur has taken legal action against Patanjali over an advertisement for Chyawanprash, claiming it misleads consumers by suggesting only Patanjali's product is authentic. Dabur argues that all ...
Consumer goods giant Dabur on Tuesday moved a suit before the Delhi High Court alleging that Patanjali Ayurved is running disparaging advertisements against its Chyawanprash products. Dabur pressed ...
Senior advocate Akhil Sibal for Dabur contended that considering its 61.6% market share in the Chyawanprash segment, these claims deceive customers and damage Dabur’s reputation.
Dabur India Ltd. moved the Delhi High Court on Tuesday, seeking to restrain Patanjali from running misleading advertisements featuring its founder Baba Ramdev, allegedly to disparage its Chyawanprash ...
The Delhi High Court has engaged with a lawsuit from Dabur against Patanjali Ayurved, regarding alleged defamatory advertisements against Dabur's Chyawanprash product. Justice Mini Pushkarna issued a ...
Dabur further pointed out that the Drugs and Cosmetics Act mandates specific formulations for Chyawanprash, making Patanjali’s claims of being the only "original" product misleading. It also raised ...