The votes have been tallied for the Arizona Department of Transportation’s third Name-A-Snowplow Contest and Arizonans have ...
THE UNION LEADER recently ran an op-ed by Rep. James Spillane, “Menthol and flavored vape bans aren’t just wrong, they are ...
The public has a right — and a need — to know what its government is doing. We would think the public’s elected representatives would want that same information.
One of the most rewarding objects in the night sky is the Pleiades open cluster. Known as M45, the Seven Sisters, or Subaru, ...
Frankfort playwright Jerry Deaton will be presenting another one of his plays, "Long Ago and Far Away," by the Frankfort ...
​Big Balls: The TED Talk; Gay-Conversion Band Camp; an all-Nordic version of “TheWiz”—and more! Jessica Palud’s portrait of ...
The Big 12 gauntlet continues for Baylor, as the Bears head to Stillwater for a three-game series against No. 13 Oklahoma ...
A year ago, the Texas A&M softball team used the series against Alabama as a springboard for a highly successful season. The fifth-ranked Aggies are hopeful that the Crimson Tide again brings out the ...
Republican measures aimed at bolstering cryptocurrency usage in the state by deeming it “legal tender” and creating a ...
The year after I was born, Schwinn introduced the original Sting-Ray after the company realized that California kids had been customizing their bikes to look like motorcycles. Those bikes were fitted ...
More than 30,000 immigrants in Illinois may loss health insurance if the state eliminates funding for noncitizen immigrants ...
Florence Assistant City Manager Clint Moore Wednesday was named the Greater Florence Chamber of Commerce's Public Servant of ...