Officials say it will take decades to replace and revitalize trees at the national memorial in Somerset County to the crew ...
Officials say it'll take decades to replace and revitalize trees at the national memorial in western Pennsylvania to the crew ...
Landscape architect James Mealey emphasized Thursday night that revitalizing Flight 93 National Memorial’s struggling Memorial Groves and Allée walkway will take place on a decades-long timeline.
The park, which will sit on For Oak Cliff’s property, could include an outdoor classroom, a playground, fitness equipment, a ...
Phillip (Phil) Helland, founder of Landscape Garden Centers in Sioux Falls, died Saturday. He was 83. Since 1977, Landscape ...
Kneeling atop a spottily shaded patch of straw, members of the Little Rock Garden Club delicately placed milkweed seeds in ...
South Church will break ground in less than two weeks on its Memorial Columbarium Garden as the church looks to provide a new ...
Emily Rose Browning, who taught at Gladstone Primary School in Cardiff, died from a cardiac arrest.
Furness and South Lakeland Freemasons showed their support for two local hubs of education and learning, with ‘generous’ ...
Our Community Foundation awarded a $40,000 grant to Daviess Community Hospital Foundation for the creation of the Dr. Suresh Lohano Memorial Garden. DCH Foundation Director, Angie Steiner stated, “Dr.
The memorial garden includes a commemorative stone and bench, and was designed as an area to "sit and reflect," the mayor said. He said the pandemic had shown "how fragile" life is, but also how ...