Title: A Complete Unknown Describe This Movie In One "A Simple Desultory Philippic" Lyric: SIMON & GARFUNKEL: He's so unhip when you say Dylan He thinks you're talking about Dylan Thomas. Whoever he ...
"A Complete Unknown," directed by James Mangold, portrays Bob Dylan during the years 1961 to 1965, focusing on his ...
A Complete Unknown' might capture the glory years of Bob Dylan in some respects, but would Joan Baez have warranted a better biopic?
Monica Barbaro is set to portray Joan Baez in ‘A Complete Unknown,’ starring alongside Timothée Chalamet. Learn more about ...
Based in part on Elijah Wald’s book Dylan Goes Electric!, director James Mangold’s A Complete Unknown follows Dylan as he ...
Bob Dylan's life is the subject of the new movie "A Complete Unknown." Here's what to know about the singer's real-life ...
In this superb biopic, director James Mangold, star Timothee Chalamet and a superb well chosen cast bring the legend of Bob ...
The new Bob Dylan biopic, “A Complete Unknown,” hits movie theaters on Christmas Day. It’s already considered a leading ...
Director James Mangold, actor Monica Barbaro, and production designer Francois Adoury on bringing 1960s Greenwich Village back to life—and transforming Cape May into Newport.
With titles such as “Masked and Anonymous” and “I’m Not There,” Bob Dylan movies tend to reinforce the musical ultra-poet’s enigmatic persona. The latest Dylan biopic’s name, “A Complete Unknown,” ...
Timothée Chalamet as a young Dylan is excellent, but it's Edward Norton as Pete Seeger who really steals the show.