By Justin Catanoso Delegates and observers applauded, with caveats, the delayed conclusion of the 16 United Nations ...
“These days of work in Rome have demonstrated the commitment of the parties ... focusing on securing funds to meet ambitious ...
The map below shows the location of Montreal and Rome. The blue line represents the straight line joining these two place. The distance shown is the straight line or the air travel distance between ...
in Rome. (Cecilia Fabiano/LaPresse via AP) But two weeks turned out to be not enough time to get everything done. The Cali ...
A three-day meeting on the Convention on Biological Diversity that just wrapped up in Rome will go down in history as a ...
After intense negotiations, Parties to the Convention agreed on a way forward in terms of resource mobilization with a view to close the global biodiversity finance gap and achieve the target of ...
Countries convened in Rome have succeeded in agreeing on a financial plan to generate $200 billion annually by 2030 to ...
The second round of COP16 concluded in the early hours of Friday in Rome with an agreement to close the global biodiversity finance gap.