Discover the origins and benefits of DEI programs, their evolution, and the ongoing debate around their implementation in ...
Members of the political class, beaming to some captured audience, will sometimes embellish their speeches with the ...
Brandon Gill (R-Texas) is married to Danielle D’Souza, the daughter of Indian-American conservative political commentator Dinesh D’Souza. In his freshman term, Gill has a ...
President Donald Trump signed an executive order on making English the official language of the U.S., but it ignores the ...
It’s clear from declining enrollment in foreign language courses in colleges and universities across the country that ...
A group of leading architects has made a documentary series that examines Taiwan's multicultural history and identity through ...
Gill kicked off a firestorm of criticism and controversy this week when he posted to X, “Multiculturalism will tear our country apart.” ...
"In this context, international forums that foster dialogue and promote solutions to pressing issues have become increasingly ...
Multiculturalism for them is a joke. The Australian ethos of a fair go for all, pride in our country, old-fashioned ...
It will no doubt be appreciated … that as we have no real racial problems, we are not desirous of importing one by encouraging any scheme of large-scale foreign migration.” ...
If further evidence were needed that multiculturalism has failed, it’s the wave of Jew-hatred now sweeping the country.