The Green Lanterns have the largest area to protect ... His never ending greed also made him an Orange Lantern at one point. One of the most popular tropes for superheroes is time traveling.
In Green Lantern #21, Hal Jordan reunites with his allies to face both the Sorrow and the mighty Starbreaker in a battle for ...
The power rings of the other Corps’ had different powers than the Green Lanterns one did. Sinestro Corps rings were basically the same, as were the Star Sapphires and the Orange Lantern ...
What Did They Do To Hal Jordon In Absolute Green Lantern #1 by Al Ewing and Jahnoy Lindsay from DC Comics? (Spoilers) ...
The Green Lantern Corps will soon be shining their lights again in live-action, as HBO has officially begun filming the new Green Lantern series, simply titled Lanterns. Based on what we know so ...
When people think of DC Comics hero Green Lantern, they tend to think of one of two characters — Hal Jordan, or John Stewart. But there’s another Lantern from the planet Earth who debuted ...
In the vast and colorful universe of DC Comics, where there is no shortage of imperiled planets that could use some superhero 911, the Green Lantern Corps is an intergalactic police force that ...
But one element that has some fans up in arms is the film's Green Lantern, Nathan Fillion’s Guy Gardner. Quite simply: His bowl cut is funny, and it makes him look like a dweeb. He appears to be ...
When the news broke that Goldeneye and Casino Royale director Martin Campbell would helm Green Lantern, it inspired great confidence in the DC Comics adaptation. Unfortunately, the 2011 movie was ...
Lanterns is filming on the Warner Bros. studio lot in Burbank. Based on the Green Lantern comic books, Kyle Chandler plays Hal Jordan, training John Stewart (Aaron Pierre) as the new Lantern.