In the pope's native Argentina, Catholics flocked to the Metropolitan Cathedral in Buenos Aires, the diocese then-Archbishop Jorge Mario Bergoglio led before ... daily call with Father Gabriel ...
In Pope Francis' native Argentina, Catholics gathered in Buenos Aires and other dioceses, with Archbishop Jorge García Cuerva ... calling the Holy Family Parish's pastor, Fr.
The archbishop of the City of Buenos Aires Jorge Garcia Cuerva led a mass for the ... he received the Holy Eucharist and called the called the pastor of the Holy Family parish in Gaza “to ...
In the pope’s native Argentina, Catholics flocked to the Metropolitan Cathedral in Buenos Aires, the diocese then-Archbishop Jorge Mario Bergoglio ... Gabriel Romanelli, pastor of Holy Family ...
St. Joseph’s Day Dinner honors the memory of St. Joseph, who is said to have saved Sicily from starvation during a severe drought. Saturday’s event seeks to reflect his compassionate deeds by ...
Pastor de todos". O arcebispo de Buenos Aires, Jorge Ignacio García Cuerva, no mesmo cargo que Jorge Bergoglio ocupava antes de se tornar Francisco, disse à Lusa que tem liderado missas pela ...
O papa Francisco entregou à catedral metropolitana de Buenos Aires a Medalha Presidencial da Liberdade concedida a ele pelo ...
Na caça aos pontos, o canário conseguiu voar bem alto atingindo uma altura que se julgava inacessível ao leão. Porém, acabou ...