Farmers say buffel grass feeds our nation and any attempt to classify it a ‘weed of national significance’ - following in the ...
Debate has ignited between Australian farmers and conservationists after buffel grass, an introduced species, was nominated for inclusion on the Weeds of National Significance (WoNS) list by the ...
Farming groups and politicians have come together to put buffel grass on the agenda ahead of the Federal election, with the ...
Scotch thistle (Onopordum acanthium) is a biennial native to Eurasia. It was introduced into the U.S. as an ornamental and as ...
Mahlstedt Ranch, Inc. is a fifth-generation operation located in northeastern Montana between Glendive and Circle. George and ...
In the world of precision agriculture, drones have created many new opportunities. While drones used to be small with limited ...
The thistle will kill out the pasture, and leave the surface exposed ... County Council was the controlling authority for noxious weeds. However, it was timely that this question should be raised ...
Buffel grass is currently being considered for addition to the list of nominated weeds of national significance. ANNUAL RYEGRASS (Lolium rigidum) — while useful as forage pasture, is the number-one ...
Therefore, it is important to keep manure in pastures if it is not known exactly what herbicides were applied to the hayfield.” Pictures of noxious weeds and control recommendations may be found on ...
Most weeds have an undesirable taste and cattle will not consume them unless they are baled up in hay or pasture is limited due to drought or overgrazing. However, if cattle have access to areas where ...
Buffel grass is currently being considered for addition to the list of nominated weeds of national significance. ANNUAL RYEGRASS (Lolium rigidum) — while useful as forage pasture, is the number ...
Heliotrope, also known as potato weed, is one of the toxic weeds that flourish after summer rain. While summer rain is helpful for pasture and crop growth, it also promotes the growth of toxic weeds.