According to observers, the deal indicates Reliance’s pan-India ambitions since until last year, Campa Cola was available only in select markets. Last week, when Pepsi took a swipe at Coca-Cola ...
On Monday, “healthy” soda brand Zevia debuted its newest commercial, featuring the Grammy ... Crawford’s iconic 1992 Super Bowl ad for Pepsi, in which she, too, pulls into a gas station ...
Some analysts believe that Pepsi has a shot at surpassing Coca-Cola soon, but not by selling more soda. Pepsi also has a broad lineup of snack brands like Doritos, Cheetos, and Lay's Potato Chips.
PepsiCo may not be as dominant a beverage company as Coca-Cola; Pepsi-Cola has dropped to third in the cola wars. However, it is the No. 1 snack brand and a very solid No. 2 in the broader ...
The kids have a significant amount of dialogue in the spot for Zevia, whereas little needs to be said in Crawford's spot for Pepsi. The punchline for Zevia's commercial is the singer belching and ...
Big-brand sodas, meanwhile, are up only slightly compared with last year, she said. Coca-Cola Co. recently launched its own prebiotic soda, Simply Pop. Austin-based Poppi was founded by Allison ...
And with pensions declining in popularity in recent years, Social Security is the only source of inflation-protected income many retirees have, and the annual COLA is the reason why. The Social ...
The 1980s were a golden age of soda. Coca-Cola introduced Cherry Coke, the fruity twist on its classic cola in 1985 and it skyrocketed to popularity. A year later, the brand introduced its low ...