The menace, again, came to the fore few days ago during the picketing of Sterling Oil Exploration and Energy Company Ltd by ...
Ohio isn't really known as a place where good things happen, but as the saying goes, "a broken clock is right twice a day." With news that lawmakers in the state want to ban police departments from ...
“In Ohio, it is completely legal for us to mandate a police officer to go out every single day on a taxpayer dime to produce ...
Law enforcement agencies in Ohio would be banned from requiring officers to meet arrest and ticket quotas under a bipartisan Statehouse bill. State Rep. Bride Rose ...
The sanction delivered to a leading sports team in SA over a transformation issue has drawn a strong response from one former Springbok.
As the second phase of the Budget session commenced, the All India Mahila Congress, led by its president Alka Lamba, staged a ...
She believes that if the public knows officers are writing tickets to meet quotas, it “undermines the public trust in law enforcement.” She wants to make these quota systems illegal ...
Critical Race Theory (CRT) emerged as a legal and academic framework to analyze how laws and policies have perpetuated ...
Already facing pressure from climate change, critics say now is not the time to increase quotas on a species that helps form the base of marine food web ...
Despite the issuance of a sweeping national federal court injunction against President Donald Trump’s January 20, 2025 and January 21, 2025 ...
Teachers say students are panicked that ICE will take their parents while they’re in class. One Maryland doctor who treats ...